Cranes, Hoists, Manipulators, Intelligent Lifting Devices, Vacuum Lifters & Below Hook Lifting Devices
This equipment is often the heartbeat of any fabricating or overhaul facility. Working with big, bulky and often heavy parts and product is both necessary and dangerous. Having the correct equipment improves production and prevents injury to both product and the workers. Whether you need to move something that weighs 50 lbs to ten tons, we can offer the right solution. The Gorbel G-Force ™ Intelligent Lifting device with float mode makes moving product up to 660 lbs effortless with maximum control. Vacuum lifters allow a full range of motion to lift, tilt and/or rotate what you're moving. These systems attach to cranes, hoists, forklifts and manipulators. Nothing is one size fits all but we have solutions for all sizes!